Marlene Wylie - Immediate Past President

Marlene Wylie is the Immediate Past President of NSEAD and a creative education consultant. Having trained originally as a textiles designer she has taught art, craft and design in inner and outer London multicultural primary and secondary schools for over 20 years.

Marlene has delivered whole school training, from Foundation Stage EYFS to Secondary Level, as well as to trainee teachers on ITT programmes. 

Marlene is the Visualise Project Lead for the Runnymede Trust. She leads the Visualising Inclusive Practice team and project, which aims to deliver the first major research commission into access to the visual arts for Black, Asian and minority ethnic students. She oversees the project including the overall research design and implementation as part of the wider arts and arts education space in the UK.

She is a member of the Anti-Racist Art Education Action group and through her lived experience, speaks to this critical issue of anti-racism with an authentic and profoundly reflective voice. Follow Marlene on twitter @infoWylie and facebook @Marlene.wyliensead