Learn more about how you can get involved with NSEAD's work and our governance. Art, craft and design advocacy resources, to make the case for our subject, are listed here too.

NSEAD Awards

Nomination Deadline: 22 April 2024! Do you know an institution or someone who has shown inspirational ACDE practice? Maybe it's you! Wherever this amazing…

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Art, craft & design is for
Arts in schools

This section will provide you with a variety of advocacy resources, films and documents which will help you, your department, your school or university…

Research Groups

Our Research Groups are formed by NSEAD members to address a specific issue faced by our subject and/or our community of art educators.

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APPG 2017
All-Party Parliamentary Group

The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Art, Craft and Design in Education is an informal cross-party group which is run by and for Members of the Commons…

NSEAD Artist Educator Directory

The NSEAD professional community represents many different sectors, educational phases and settings, and includes Artist Educators.Artist Educators are…

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Oak and NSEAD Curriculum Partnership

Art Matters, Teachers Matter, Learners Matter! We believe that all learners have an entitlement to art, craft and design education that is underpinned…

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Anti-Racist Art Education Action Group

The Anti-Racist Art Education Action (ARAEA) group was set up in July 2020 to ensure that NSEAD, our subject and all who engage in it, are actively anti-racist.

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Regional Networks

This section showcases existing regional network groups and provides information and support for members seeking to join or set up a new network group
