This section provides links to resources that demonstrate the value of art, craft and design education. They resources can be shared with students, parents & carers, school leaders, governors and other professionals to help explain why visual arts and design matter and are essential in the twenty-first century.

Our manifesto for art, craft and design education

Call to Action: Created by our members, for our members, NSEAD's 2024 manifesto has three key hopes, aims and priorities, and 12 actions for change.The…

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Visualise: Race & Inclusion in Secondary Art Education

The Visualise report, published by the Runnymede Trust and Freelands Foundation, 5 March 2024, has found significant under-representation of minority…

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#SaveOurSubjects Campaign

The Edge Foundation, ISM, together with NSEAD and other many other subject associations, in 2023 launched the campaign to save the arts and technology…

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Drawing on a lightboard
Creative Careers

Here we have some resources that inspire the pursuit of careers in the creative industries

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NSEAD Art Education Advocacy Series 2021 and 2022

In December 2021 and December 2022, NSEAD ran a social media campaigns to highlight the vital role that the Arts and Art, Craft and Design Education play…

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Child reading silouette Aaron Burden via unsplash
Reimagining our futures together: a new social contract for education

This report by the International Commission on the Futures of Education acknowledges the power of education to bring about profound change.

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Poster and AD
Advocacy posters, postcards and 6-page resource, by NSEAD
Creative Industries

Advocacy resources, by NSEAD (Members only)

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Creative Journeys
Creative Journeys advocacy films
Creative Industries

Creative Journeys are a set of films where some of the UK's leading designers, architects, engineers and other creative professionals talk about how they…

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CE Gov Guide
Art, craft and Design Education, a guide for governing boards
Arts in schools
Creative Industries

Art and Design Education, a guide for Governor and Trustees will help explain the vital role governors have in championing and advocating for high-quality…

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bob and roberta
Bob and Roberta Smith an advocacy message
Creative Industries

 In partnership with NSEAD's colleagues at the Campaign for Drawing we commissioned a film with NSEAD patron Bob and Roberta Smith. In this film…

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Elliot Eisner's 10 lessons the arts teach
Arts in schools

Elliot Eisner's 10 Lessons the Arts Teach 10 Lessons the Arts was originally published by Elliot Eisner, (2002), The Arts and the Creation of Mind,…

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Art, craft and design education advocacy videos

Art, craft and design education advocacy videosCurated by Dr Emese Hall this selection of videos draws together artist, makers and designers, organisations…

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Value of UK Creative Industries
Creative Industries Council
Creative Industries

This website, set up by the Creative Industries Council provides facts, figures and helpful infographics which examine the growth and success of the UK's…

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A window to the world
Making the case for the arts: 'A window to the world'
Arts in schools

A window to the world is a short film, by Steph Cubbin and Peter Thomas, two teachers at The St Marylebone CE School. The film is extremely effective…

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Reinvesting in Arts Education
Reinvesting in Arts Education
Creative Industries

'Reinvesting in Arts Education: Winning America's future through creative schools' is a study commissioned by President Obama. Its authors say art, music,…

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Why Study Art
Tale and Why Study Art
Arts in schools

TALE, a research project investigating the benefits of arts education published its findings

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TED Talk
TED Talks: How to escape education's death valley

TED Talks include many videos which inform, share, explore and in their own words are: 'devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading'. In this video Sir Ken Robinson…

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Arts in At-Risk Youth
The Arts and Achievement in At-Risk Youth

This National Endowment for the Arts report displays correlations between arts activity among at-risk youth and subsequent levels of academic performance…

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House of Lords - Case for Arts Education in Schools
The Case for Arts Education in Schools
Creative Industries

On 27 November 2014, the House of Lords debated the motion: “that this House takes note of the case for arts education in schools”. The Case for Arts…

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Summer of Art Activism 2023

We are calling on all NSEAD members to make their voice heard and speak up for our subject. What can you do? Here is some inspiration and actions you…

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Thomas Tallis
Visual Literacy at Thomas Tallis School
Visual Literacy

Thomas Tallis School's visual literacy policy answers the questions: What is visual literacy? Why is it important for students to become more visually…

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I believe
The NSEAD TOOLKIT for Activism: How to keep your job and be an activist!

 Here are some tips for Art Activists everywhere: Activism is public: Before you startAlert your employer to your intent. If you are intending…

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