This is special interest group explores the relationship between disability and art education.
Art education is acknowledged widely for its inclusive nature. Many of us experience the distinctive environment that the art room can provide. However, approaches to learning, teaching and assessment can reveal ableist assumptions that create barriers for disabled children and young people and devalue the creative capacities of the subject.
The special interest group for Advancing Anti-ableist Pedagogy (AaP) will explore the relationship between disability and art education at curricular level in order to advance anti-ableist pedagogy.
In September 2022, the group published a special issue of AD magazine. AD is for educators in every phase and this issue will be helpful for anyone wishing to find out more about anti-abliesm in art, craft and design education - link below (please note: you must be a member of NSEAD to access this resource).
If you would like to find out more about the AaP or are interested in joining, please contact [javascript protected email address]. If you are just keen to find out more or have experience of AaP, everyone is welcome.
The group are currently involved in practice research. Future meeting dates will be confirmed here and in the NSEAD Newsletter.