Current Research Groups

Gender, Art and Transformative Education (GATE)
Art education for a more gender inclusive and equitable world.

Art Education for the Environment and Climate Emergency (E&CE)
The E&CE group aims to promote and explore art, craft, and design education to raise awareness and action to address the global environment and climate…

Advancing Anti-ableist Pedagogy
This is special interest group explores the relationship between disability and art education.

Better Practice in Art, Craft and Design
The special interest group for Better Practice was formed in 2019. Identified as a key priority by NSEAD members, the group have collaborated to define…

Design in Art and Design
The Design in Education SIG aims to expand and clarify our understanding of ‘Design’ and its fundamental role in contributing to the scope and purpose…

Examinations in art and design
Examinations changes and the impact on art and design is a newly formed SIG. Find out more...
Previous Research Groups
The following research groups have completed their stated goals and are currently inactive. All groups can be reformed as needed and required by members, to carry out additional focused research or address current issues.

Initial Teacher Education
The Initial Teacher Education SIG aims to promote and defend art & design initial teacher education (ITE) against government policies that have impacted…

Cultural capital in art and design
Cultural capital in art and design SIG has completed its work. Find out more...

Health and wellbeing
Following the pandemic of 2020 health and wellbeing of art educators and students is of paramount importance.