Regional network groups provide a shared belief in the cultural and economic value of art, craft and design education. They provide skills sharing sessions, talks and seminars, and links to local and regional agencies, organisations, artists and makers, and cultural sector venues. They provide a chance to get to know other teachers of art, craft and design in your area, share good practice and enjoy a combination of social and professional contact.
Every regional network group is different, some focus on primary or secondary phases, some combine both, or have a focus on post-16 learning, or early years. Many groups meet in local schools, or in museums and galleries who provide an expertise and focus on local collections and exhibitions. Increasing opportunities on the internet and within the context of social networking provide more accessible ways of making and maintaining contact, a regional network group can communicate as much as it likes collectively on Twitter, and NSEAD Facebook, whilst the e-update and website will sign-post and provide links for teachers and educators across the UK.