Keynote Speaker | Lou Chiu

Lou Chiu (she/her) is a Culture and Relationships coach and consultant specialising in developing allies.

She uses her expertise and skills in trauma-informed and anti-oppressive practices to support those in helping professions to create safer, inclusive spaces where more people can be more of themselves. Lou is also a People and Development Consultant at Atkinson HR with specific interest in EDI and organisational culture.

Making Sense of Allyship

Allies are people who want to create safer, more inclusive spaces where everyone has the chance to thrive. In this session, we will explore what allyship is, why it is important, and gain a better understanding of allyship behaviours. We will interrogate knowledge and education; how we know what we know and why we might not know what we don't know.

This is intended to help all of us reflect on the influences we have and the impact we make as educators.