The Arts Council has partnered with The Chartered College of Teaching to find out more about the arts teaching that is currently taking place in schools across the UK.
They also seek to identify some of the challenges that teachers and school leaders might be facing. Using a survey format they are asking for teachers across all phases to share how their arts provision is currently organised and some of the successes they have been able to celebrate with their students.
The aim of this survey is twofold. On the one hand, they want to get a better understanding of arts provision in UK schools and collect examples of best practice that could be shared with teachers. On the other hand, they also want to find out how challenges around arts provision could best be addressed.
There is an open-ended question at the end of the survey where participants are asked to share their success stories. These will form the basis for the best-practice case studies that they are hoping to collect and subsequently extend and share with the teaching community.
The survey closed 30 April 2019.