On a day when candidates taking arts and design subjects at GCE A level continue to decline, over 150 signatories, including NSEAD, write an open letter to Gavin Williamson MP, Secretary of State for Education.
The letter explains the value of ‘creative education’, which is says: ‘is critical for our young people, for the success of our £101.5bn creative industries, and for the health of the economy at large’.
The letter urges the government to incentivise a broad and balanced curriculum, to resource schools fairly and to ensure young people receive access to high-quality creative careers advice:
‘We call for either the discontinuation of the EBacc, or its broadening to include creative subjects, and for government to ensure that schools are well resourced to deliver these subjects. It is also crucial that young people and those advising them have better access to high-quality advice about creative careers and how to pursue them.’
As one of the signatories Michele Gregson, general secretary NSEAD, is quoted here.
On behalf of NSEAD members and colleagues in all arts and design subjects, the Society remains concerned to see emerging inequalities in provision and choice. We stand alongside all arts and design subjects and teachers and lecturers and their students, and will continue to advocate for and make explicit the value of all arts and design subjects.
Read the letter here