On Monday 5 July 2021 the DfE published its Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Market Review Report. The report was compiled by the expert group appointed to ‘undertake a review of the ITT market for courses that lead to qualified teacher status.’ It should be noted that market review is only applicable to primary and secondary ITT courses in England.
‘The aim of the review is to enable the provision of consistently high-quality training in line with the ITT core content framework’. We highlight here that the ITT core content framework is heavily informed by cognitive science theory and much of the framework is irrelevant to teaching and learning in art, craft, and design.
The report, which is 55 pages long, makes 14 recommendations covering the content and structure of ITT programmes regarding, e.g., curriculum; mentoring; partnerships; assessment; and quality assurance. Concerningly, all recommendations will result in extra work and uncertainty for those who offer ITT courses – not least the suggestion that providers, both existing and new, apply for accreditation. Despite a few positive aspects, such as tailored training for school-based mentors, this review is very unlikely to be welcomed by the sector.
The report’s timing is also far from ideal. As is so often the case, we see an important report published in the summer when those working in education are at their lowest ebb. Secondly, we are all still getting a handle on life post-lockdown and considering how best to address the DfE expectations for educational recovery.
We recognise that there is always room for improvement and support the universal need for quality teacher training. However, we deeply question whether the market review’s recommendations will enhance the teaching profession and, importantly, improve outcomes for children and young people.
We encourage members to contribute to the public consultation, which is open until 22 August 2021. We welcome your comments, feedback and recommendations – please email these to info@nsead.org by 9 August with the header 'ITT review'.
We are responding to the DfE’s consultation and would like to gather members’ comments to inform our response. Please share any comments on the review’s recommendations in our survey: https://forms.office.com/r/6f1Lc08LDL
Your NSEAD survey response to the survey is anonymous. It should take approx.15-20 minutes to complete and closes on 02 August.
Dr Emese Hall
Initial Teacher Education Special Interest Group Member
Read the ITT Market Review report here