The Cultural Learning Alliance have launched a new briefing paper, written in partnership with the children’s mental health charity a Place2Be.
The briefing gathers together and sets out why the arts make us happier and healthier and why the arts are key to supporting children’s good mental health. The foreword is authored by Place2Be’s President and Founder Dame Benita Refso and begins: 'By the time they leave primary school, one in five children will have experienced mental health problems at least once in their lives....Untreated, poor mental health in childhood can lead to a lifetime of difficulties. A child with a conduct disorder is twice as likely as her or his peers to leave school with no educational qualifications; four times more likely to become dependent on drugs; and 20 times more likely to end up in prison.
Mental Health Awareness Week runs from 14-20 May 2018.
Download the briefing paper here.