The Creative Industries Federation have published a 10-point manifesto to outline their statement of intent. The Manifesto aims to drive inclusive growth and innovation across towns, cities and rural areas, in every nation and region throughout the UK.
The Manifesto states that in order to develop a 21st century workforce and to equip the next generation for the future of work, creative education also needs to be at the heart of the curriculum. The Manifesto also asserts that metrics beyond salary are urgently needed:
Statement of intent number six says:
Equip the next generation for the future of work by putting creative at the heart of the school curriculum and ensuring sufficient resources to deliver accessible extra-curricular creative activities to students from all backgrounds, reflecting the recommendations of The Durham Commission. Metrics beyond salary are also urgently needed to capture the true value of creative education. Wider measures such as social value, creative achievements, and civic contribution must be recognised. The devolved nations have gone a long way to recognising the importance of both STEM and creative skills to our economy and society.
Download the Manifesto here