ARAE members have shared how they have decolonised their curriculum or reviewed projects to be anti-racist
The checklists should not be seen as a to-do list. They are a set of questions to encourage anti-racist conversations, prompt discussion and support the decolonisation of your curriculum and projects.
There are some important publications that we would urge you engage with before embarking on your journey towards decolonising your art, craft and design curriculum and resources:
AD 36 magazine: Our most recent publication of AD is a special issue entirely dedicated to ARAE actions. All 33 pages explore anti-racist art education actions: defining, describing and examining how art educators have used the checklists in their art, schools, museums, practice and pedagogy. AD is NSEAD's member magazine. Please log-in to view. Copies of AD 36 can be purchased here.
AD 30: Decolonising and diversifying the art curriculum. Diane Minnicucci, subject leader for photography and a teacher of art at Thomas Tallis school in London, asks how teachers of art, design, craft and photography can begin to diversify, decolonise and ‘make the invisible visible’.
AD 31: Art, critical consciousness and anti-racist agency. Jo Barber, assistant head of school at Aspire Alternative Provision in Buckinghamshire, and a member of the NSEAD Anti-racist Art Education Action Group, explains how art can give us agency in creative anti-racist praxis.
To find out more, visit about the checklists here.