
A comprehensive list of art & design publications for teachers and resources for children; A departmental art and design audit tool; A comparison of Ofsted; National Curriculum and EYFS and DFE Teachers' standards


Art, craft and design publications

The Expert Group publications lists are published as an Excel spreadsheet so that teachers can use this format to identify and sort the information they require. The spreadsheet contains three pages containing 'Publications for Teachers', 'Web Resources for Teachers', and 'Resources for Children'. The spreadsheets list some of the most common materials used in ITE and by teachers to further develop understanding and practice of art and design education. The search criteria built into the spreadsheets will enable teachers to sort entries according to: the aims of the new national curriculum for art and design; the principles, pedagogy and practices of art, craft and design education; and by media or technique. Some of the entries are provided as an example of what might be useful and will prompt further searches.

The Expert Advisory Group does not claim that the resources and entries listed are comprehensive, but hopes that the list will provide a helpful resource for teachers seeking further information in order to support the development of your curriculum for art and design.

Download the Art and Design lists here (Excel spreadsheet)


Art and Design Audit Tool

This resource will support schools, departments or individual teachers when auditing art and design. The tool is designed as a framework to think and ask questions to identify areas for development – whether they be curriculum content and design, personal subject knowledge or in reviewing progress made. It may also be helpful for qualified teachers in considering their professional development as part of the Performance Management process.

Download the Art and Design Audit Tool here (PDF)


A comparison of Observing teaching and learning in: Art, craft and design published by Ofsted, the National Curriculum Art and Design Programmes of Study for key stages 1-3, the EYFS Characteristics of Effective Learning and the DfE Teachers’ Standards

This resource will help guide teachers, trainees and their tutors to identify links between the expectations of various Government documents alongside the prompts developed by Ofsted (pre- 2019) to explore the best practice in the subject.

Download the Art and Design comparison document here (PDF)