Expert Advisory Group Members

Expert Advisory Group for Art and Design (2013-18)

The Expert Group and authors of the materials are subject experts across all phases of art education – drawn from schools, universities, providers of initial teacher education, Ofsted, consultants and advisors as well as subject associations. These groups (formed by the then Teaching Agency in January 2012) are sector-based and are independent of the Government.

Dr Peter Gregory (CHAIR) Senior Lecturer, HEI ITE Subject Tutor

Alan Petty (DEPUTY CHAIR) Primary teacher, School based ITE Subject Tutor

Anne Appelbaum Senior Officer, Learning, Arts Council England

Eileen Adams, Consultant

Julia Bennett Research and Policy Manager, Crafts Council

Paul Carney AST, Middle School

John Childs, former Art College Director; Secondary School

Dan China Consultant, former Art and Design Adviser (LA)

Darren Clegg, Headteacher, J&I School

Stephanie Cubbin, Head of Art; Teaching School Alliance

Andrew Davidson, Skills Academy Manager, Design Council

Natalie Deane, AST, Primary School

Ged Gast, former Consultant for Creativity, Babcock 4S; TU advisor NSEAD

Marian Gager, Headteacher, Nursery School

Dr Emese Hall, HEI ITE Subject and Early Years Tutor

Sorrel Hershberg, former director of The Sorrell Foundation

Gayle Jones, Head of Art and Design, Secondary School

Hanneke Jones, HEI ITE Subject Tutor (2013 only)

Sophie Leach, Assistant General Secretary, NSEAD

Gill Lloyd Headteacher, Primary School

Dr Nigel Meager, Teacher (Primary School); Researcher

Ian Middleton, former Lead HMI for Art, craft and design education, Ofsted

Jane Parker Senior Lecturer, HEI ITE Subject Tutor

Matt Priest, Head of Art and Design; Academy

Bel Reed, Programme Manager, Design Council

Beth Reynolds Art Coordinator, Special School

Sarah Ringmo Art Coordinator, Primary School

Janice Rogers Teaching Assistant, Primary School

Jane Sillis Director, engage

Elena Thomas Artist; formally Teacher (Primary School)

Tim Wilson Consultant, former Art and Design Adviser (LA)