This section provides our Oak/NSEAD primary curriculum, framework and lessons, links to resources, assessment and progression, guidance and support materials…
Broad and balanced ideas for art, craft and design in the primary classroom.
NSEAD hosts a thriving primary art community group on Facebook. We regularly hold Facebook Live events with teachers, artists and makers, arts and cultural…
Guidance and questionnaire to support subject leads preparation for deep dive inspection under the new Ofsted framework
Hands on in the classroom – Duncan Grant colour mixing; Felt making with pre-school children
It is important that teachers are aware of their responsibilities regarding health and safety and ensure that pupils act safely. This guide is intended…
NSEAD has partnered with the Oak National Academy. Members with primary expertise have produced a key stage 1 and 2 curriculum map, teaching guide and…
Anti-Racist Art Education Action (ARAEA) Group was set up in July 2020 to ensure that NSEAD, our subject and all who engage in it, are actively anti-racist. The resources found here aim to support this work and provide educators with tools to take specific…