- Researching Children, Researching the World
Mary Fawcett and Penny Hay outline their work on the exciting 5x5x5 project
- Hands on in the Classroom
Michèle Claire Kitto with part one of Portraits using ICT
- In Focus
Nigel Meager lets children’s imaginations run riot
- The Primary Art and Design Subject Leaders’ Handbook
Not all painting media is the same by John Bowden
- Craft in our Culture
Traveller culture and the classroom by Lesley Butterworth
- Crossing the Boundaries
A bright cross-curricular initiative from Caroline Corker
- In the Scheme of Things
Karen Baxendale reviews an inspired scheme of work
- Making faces
An early years visit to a gallery described by Vikki Holroyd
- Goodwill Art
Advertising feature
- West African Masks - poster and teaching resources from The Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford (not available on line)