- Hands on in the Classroom
Michèle Claire Kitto visits the Lichtenstein Exhibition
- Why Draw?
The latest thinking from the Campaign for Drawing from Eileen Adams
- In Focus
Nigel Meager says children should experience abstract work
- The Primary Art and Design Subject Leaders’ Handbook
Not all painting media are the same by John Bowden
- Drawing It All In
Teaching art across the curriculum by Jane Hildreth
- Programmed to Succeed
A comprehensive visual arts programme by Caroline Corker
- Winning Combinations
Experimenting with different media can bring rewarding results says Derek Stears
- Making a Difference
Jacqui Thomas describes how a National Gallery touring exhibition inspires pupils and teachers
- All About Books
In this edition: three books from Brilliant Publications
- Fish and Fishing - poster and teaching resources from The British Museum, London (not available on line)