Guidance for primary and secondary teachers on the scope and use of digital media in the teaching of art, craft & design
This guidance will support teachers and subject leaders in determining how creative digital technologies might best feature in their art and design curriculum and in day-to-day lessons. It clarifies the potential scope of the digital elements of a wide-ranging art and design curriculum. It does so in the context of the past 30 years and current evolution of digital technologies and student expectations for access to digital media and the increasingly variable level of teacher experience and skill with digital technologies. We must also acknowledge the wider context of changes to school curricula, including the Ebacc and other funding pressures that increasingly limit the scope of experiences that schools can afford or even choose to provide.
This guidance has been produced by a Special Interest Group of NSEAD members. It updates but does not replace previous guidance on digital entitlement and examples of good practice.
Click here to see NSEAD's Social Networking guidelines
Scope of digital technology in art and design
Contextual information to understand the background to digital technology in art and design and to help teachers plan for the future
Planning for digital tech across the art and design curriculum
This section provides guidance to help art and design teachers and subject leaders identify where digital technology might be used in the curriculum.
Entitlement to Digital Technology in the Curriculum
Digital Media or Information technology (IT) has become part of our contemporary culture coexisting alongside television radio, video, hand-held/tablet…
Digital Art & Design Audit
Assistance to review current provision and determine possible actions to improve or broaden the digital curriculum