#NSEADcreate Resources for remote learning can be used by anyone working or learning remotely to access and engage in art, craft and design education. Organised by phase (for ages 4-18+) the websites and resources will be useful for all art educators, parents & carers when working remotely in national lockdowns or as inspiration when teaching with restricted materials and resources.
We are hugely grateful to NSEAD's Council and Forum who have reviewed, collated and compiled this resource and kept each of the lists up to date.
If you, your children or remote learners make anything inspired by these resources, please use the hashtag #NSEADcreate. Our aim is to stay connected and to share your creativity and ideas on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
And finally, if you are not already a member of NSEAD Online, (our popular Facebook group) please join our cross-phase community of helpful art educators who every day share lots of ideas for remote learning. You will need to be a member of NSEAD to join this group. If you are already an NSEAD member please email info@nsead.org with your NSEAD membership number and we will invite you to join. Alternatively, members can join NSEAD Online by following this link www.facebook.com/groups/NSEADOnline
Whilst these resources have been carefully selected and reviewed by NSEAD members, the Society is not responsible for any of the content found or shared in these websites.

Reception (ages 4-5+)
Website resources for learners in reception / P1+

KS1 & 2 (ages 5-11+)
A list of resources for primary aged learners Years 1-6/ P2-7

KS3 (ages 11-14+)
Resources for early secondary-phase learners P7 and S1+

KS4 (ages 14-16+)
Art, craft and design remote learning resources for level 2 qualifications and above (e.g. BTEC, GCSE, Nationals 3-5)

#NSEADCreate Case studies – remote learning
In response to the pandemic, here we are sharing member experience, case studies and examples of remote teaching & learning